Tag: wordpress
Posts related to the WordPress CMS and using it for web development.
Load 3rd party JavaScript in your custom block
The best way I’ve found to use 3rd party JavaScript in my custom blocks (for example loading AlpineJS or VueJS) is to register the script and then use viewScript to include it. Here’s an example In your custom block plugin PHP: Then in block.json Now that script will load on every page the block is…
Building customizable WordPress blocks
This is a fantastic video that just came out on working on WordPress blocks and themes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KreJC3aB0q4 The first topic by Michael Burridge is on how to give users control over styling the content of your block, not just the wrapper. This can be done by using CSS custom properties and passing a styles object…
WordPress wp-now SQLite location
I’ve been testing out wp-now and really liking it so far for spinning up a quick WordPress site. What I couldn’t figure out is where the sqlite file was saved when using wp-now in ‘wordpress’ mode for a real site (not just playground). I knew playground database was in ~/.wp-now/wp-content/playground/database/.ht.sqlite But finding the database for…
WordPress Launch List
Let’s discuss what it takes to launch a typical WordPress site. For this example we’ll assume you have a development site up and running that is now complete and ready to go live. We’ll also assume that you’re not using any fancy deployment process and instead you’ll be launching on a fairly typical shared WordPress…